Hustler Raptor XD Fit<br>with RB-UN Bracket <br>RCMMS4-RMEXS1<br>Multi-Mount Stainless Steel/Aluminum Catcher

Hustler Raptor XD Fit
with RB-UN Bracket
Multi-Mount Stainless Steel/Aluminum Catcher

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Product Description

See Catcher Fits, Installation and Instructional Videos Below

  • Stainless Steel/Aluminum Hybrid Grass Catcher is designed to be lightweight yet strong, durable and versatile to provide years of trouble free service
  • Our Hybrid Grass Catcher is designed to accept a mower specific face plate, so if you ever sell your mower all you would need to do is buy a new face plate for the catcher that will fit your new machine
  • 4.4 cubic foot capacity
  • Multi-Mount Stainless Steel/Aluminum Catchers have an extended face plate mount which extends out from the catcher surface 7/8 ths of an inch.  In the past, if you had a deck that did not stick out farther than the rear wheel, catchers would not work because they would rub the rear wheel. The extended face plate mount on the RC-MMS-4 will clear the rear wheel.  The extension is 7/8” so it will work on most decks where this was a problem, but not all.  Check the measurements on your specific mower
  • Hinged Swing Door
  • Comes with 1 designated face plate
Weight: 27 pounds

If you cannot find the correct fit for your machine, text a photo of your mower's discharge opening (with chute up and tape measure for reference) to 570-994-8298 to confirm the catcher fit, since manufacturers can change a deck configuration a couple of times a year. This can cause the catcher fit to change. A reply will be sent by text.

**You will be responsible for the return shipping costs if you did not call to confirm the correct catcher fit**

NOTE: Please see our Multi-Mount Catcher Application Chart to determine which Multi-Mount Catcher you will need for your mower.

Additional required brackets are noted

This catcher fits:
Ariens - XL Zoom Max 60" - RB-UN Bracket required
Ariens - Zoom Riders 48XL 54" & 61" - RB-UN Bracket required
Bad Boy - Elite & Pro series 42", 54", 60" & 72" - RB-UN Bracket required
Bad Boy - Riders 2009 & after (except CZT) - RB-UN Bracket required
Bad Boy - Riders MZ - RB-UN Bracket required
Bad Boy - Stand-on All Decks - RB-UN Bracket required
Big Dog - X1052 2009 & after - Must drill hole in deck. (See photo in "Mower Deck Openings")
Bobcat - 2001 to current
Bobcat - Fast Cat RZ 52"
Bobcat - Floating Deck - Models 936600, 936601 & 936602 - RB-FPEX Bracket required
Bobcat - Procat 2009
Bobcat - Ransomes Rider 48"
Bobcat - Rider 48", 52" & 61
Bobcat - Rider Zero Turn
Bobcat - Walk Behind 2001-2011
Bradley - Havener 36", 48" & 52" - RB-RH Bracket required
Bunton - 2006 & after
Chase Helon - 36" - RB-FPEX Bracket required
Country Clipper - 52" - RB-UN Bracket required
Country Clipper - Jazee Pro 48", 52" & 60" - RB-UN Bracket required
Cub Cadet - Tank LZ & SZ Rider - RB-UN Bracket required
Cub Cadet - Walk Hydro H-1536 - RB-UN Bracket required
Cub Cadet - Walk Hydro H-1748 - RB-UN Bracket required
Cub Cadet - Walk Hydro H-1952 - RB-UN Bracket required
Dixie Chopper - Stryker Stand-on 48" & 54" - RB-UN Bracket required
Dixon - Rider DX-161 61"
Dixon - Rider DX-100 48" & 61"
Dixon - Rider 48" - RB-FPEX Bracket required
Dixon - Ultra 52" 2011 - RB-FPEX Bracket required
Encore - Pro-Line Walker/Rider
Encore - Prowler Walker 36" (Must drill hole in deck)
Encore - Prowler Walker/Rider 61" (Must drill hole in deck)
Encore - Extreme ZX Rider (Must drill hole in deck)
Exmark - All Walker/Rider 2009 & after (except Quest Rider)
Exmark - Lazer
Exmark - Metro 36-48-52
Exmark - Metro HP 36-48-52
Exmark - Phazer Walk Behind 34"
Exmark - Pioneer
Exmark - Ranger 48" Early 80's
Exmark - Trivantage
Exmark - Turf Tracer
Exmark - Vantage
Exmark - Viking-36-48-52
Exmark - X Series
Ferris - FW35 Walk Behind 48" 2016
Giant Vac Mfg- Model #13612-BIO 1996 (must drill hole in deck)
Gravely - 2006 & after - Bracket RB-UN required
Gravely - 2010 XDZ 152 & 252 - Bracket RB-UN required
Gravely - Compact Pro Rider 34" - Bracket RB-UN required
Gravely - Pro Rider - Bracket RB-UN required
Gravely - Pro Stance 2016 36" & 52" - Bracket RB-UN required
Gravely - Pro Stance 2016 Model #994134 52" - Bracket RB-UN required
Gravely - Pro Stance 2016 Model #99412800 52" - Bracket RB-UN required
Gravely - Pro Turn 148 Rider - Bracket RB-UN required
Gravely - Pro Turn 252 - Bracket RB-UN required
Gravely - Pro Turn 260 2012- Bracket RB-UN required
Gravely - ZT-52-HD Rider - Bracket RB-UN required
Great Dane - Scamper 36
Great Dane - 48-52 decks 2003 & prior
Great Dane - 52 decks 2004 & after - Bracket RB-UN required
Husqvarna - Rider LZ4817 48"
Husqvarna - Rider MZ 54 & 61"
Husqvarna - MZ 5225 - Bracket RB-FPEX required 
Husqvarna - Rider M-ZT 2016 52"
Husqvarna - Rider M-ZT-6
Husqvarna - Rider P-ZT 60" - Brackets RB-UN & RB-DP required
Husqvarna - RZ 4222F - Bracket RB-FPEX required 
Hustler - Super Z 60"
Hustler - Trim Star Walk Behind 48 & 54" 2013 
Hustler - VX4 Rider 48" (must drill hole in deck
Hustler - X1I Rider 52 & 60" (must drill hole in deck
Jacobsen - Crew King Model #68454 36"
John Deere - Quik Trak - Aero Core Deck - Bracket RB-JDAC required
John Deere - Stand on 48" 52" & 61" - Bracket RB-JD required
Kubota - ZP-330 - Bracket RB-DP required
Red Hawk - Bracket RB-RH required
Snapper - 2006 & prior
Snapper - 36120K Walk Behind 
Snapper - Pro 36" Walk Behind - Bracket RB-UN required
Snapper - Pro 48" Rider 
Snapper - Pro S-50X Rider - Bracket RB-UN required
Steiner - ZTM series
Toro - 500 Turbo Force Z Master Pro 61" 2015/2016
Toro - 2000 & prior
Toro - 2001 - 2010 - Bracket RB-TORO required
Toro - 2011 Walker/Rider 
Toro - Grandstand - Bracket RB-TORO required 
Toro - New Titan - Bracket RB-UN required 
Toro - Proline 44" - Bracket RB-TORO required 
Toro - Regular Deck 
Toro - Turbo Force Z500 - Bracket RB-TORO required 
Toro - Z Cut - Bracket RB-RH required 
World Lawn - Cobra Rider 48"  
World Lawn - Power Equipment Walker/Rider 48, 52 & 62"
World Lawn - Venom 48, 52 & 62" 
World Lawn - Walk Behind 36" 
Yazoo/Kees - 2006 & prior
Yazoo/Kees - Eagle Star 48"
Yazoo/Kees - KHKW 36140 & 48170 
Yazoo/Kees - Max III 60" Rider - Bracket RB-UN required 
Yazoo/Kees - Mid Max ZT 52" Rider 

The mower's discharge opening MUST stick out farther then the rear wheel of the mower.
If the discharge does NOT stick out farther then the rear wheel our catcher will NOT fit.

Product details:

Mounting Instructions:

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